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Sunday, May 16, 2021

"Eternal Love..."/Arshi's Marriage Poem


                Sept 28, For me "The picture Perfect Moment"

                                     "Eternal Love..."



* * *  

A Faith of journey started with a gaze

As I found someone in my wild  chase

A glimpse of her changed  my  phase

A feeling of Love yet to come in my ways

A day of sunshine among my darks days

A moonlight stood holding a key of craze

A closed heartfelt the tremor of waves

A shrewd piece of me stoned her glaze


A scared  blue  shades  heart  of  mine

A scarlet  colorful  shaded  heart  of  hers

A beginning of matters and no matters

A chase  of  thorns  and  flowers  of  ours 

A faith started its grip in my hazy  belief

Someone is there to fight my  grief

A flicker of love started burning me deep

A moonlight lady started coming in dreams

A lost feeling rested in chamber clearly

A search for seeking love to heal dearly

A load of  pains I have  to bear  lightly

Fear of holding the craze of love barely

A mistrust became the foundation of my trust

Disbelief became the reason for my beliefs

A belief became the lifeline of my breath

Color became the code soothing breeze

A touch of hers was the need of mine

A kiss of hers was the demand of mine

A thought  of hers  was a deal of mine

A lady in red, green, yellow is mine

A departed feeling refused to depart

Night came with light despite being apart

A message delivered on both sides

A man in love with his woman's heart

A journey of thorns brought the shrewdness

A fire within refused to throw cruelness

A wind of chimes decided its own astuteness

A lady of love smiled at my own adroitness

A confession of innocence broiled tears in me

Ahold of beauty destroyed the beast in me

A trust of eternity reached covering miles to me

A union of hearts occurred again auspiciously in me

Ahold of lifeless Aphrodite of mine in my arms

A yearn to plea to make her aware of my charms

A way to clear every thorn to reach her gleams

A threat to care to embrace her always in my arms

A  challenge to set fears against my way to Love

A thorn being replaced with a rose of red Love

A lonely walk to stir  to the path by pure mother's Love

A reminder to look, care, hold of your Eternal Love



Memorable Moments 






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